Pull for the House!

Start helping by collecting the little tabs you pull to open soda, soup or other aluminum cans.
Many groups such as schools, corporations, clubs and communities participate in this program and it’s a simple way to make a big difference.
Get Started:
- Designate a clean container for collection. Re-use and recycle whatever you can find: cereal boxes, potato chip canisters, oatmeal or coffee cans, milk or juice jugs, paper or plastic bags. Make sure to decorate it – Use our container label or get creative and make it your own!
- Post our Pop Tab Flyer and Pop Tab Info Page to share information with your community, office, or school.
- Drop off at our one of our Ronald McDonald House locations any day of the week or weekend from 9 AM to 8 PM or take your tabs to your local recycling center and send us the check.
- Keep collecting and bringing pop tabs to us for as long as there are pop tabs in the world!
Fun Facts
- We receive an average of $0.25 per lb.
- Each pound is about 1,267 pop tabs.
- A gallon size bag of pop tabs equates to about 2.5 lbs.
- Approximately 63,360 pull tabs = 1 mile
- Discovered in the 1820’s, aluminum is the most abundant metal on earth.
- Aluminum is a durable and sustainable metal: 2/3 of the aluminum ever produced is in use today.
Q: Does Ronald McDonald House have a tab scale?
A: Yes! You can weigh your tabs while you’re here.
Q: Does Ronald McDonald House still distribute pull tab houses?
A: Unfortunately, pull tab houses are not available, but we have created a label to use on your container!
Q: Can we collect the tabs from soup or pet food cans or colored tabs?
A: Yes! We accept tabs of all types and colors as long as they’re aluminum!
Q: Why just the tabs?
A: We collect pop tabs instead of the entire aluminum can because it’s more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier.