05 Feb Health Education Week
Providing health education through our Ronald McDonald Care Mobiles® to families in the greater D.C. area.
Healthcare professionals celebrate National Health Education Week (NHEW) during the third week of October. The purpose is to increase awareness of major health issues and promote a better understanding of health education and its role.
The KIDS Mobile Medical Clinic/Ronald McDonald Care Mobile® is a mobile “doctor’s office on wheels,” and prevention is key when it comes to reducing overall medical costs, addressing behavior and lifestyle choices, and motivating families to improve – all through health education.
Our second Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is home to the FITNESS (Fun In Teaching Nutrition and Exercise to Successful Students) Program and deliver an educational curriculum focused on healthy eating and the importance of physical activity to students in grades K-8.
Since NHEW is all about increasing awareness and education, we are also sharing great resources for the latest in kids health and parenting advice from the experts at Children’s National Health System.
For more than 20 years, the Ronald McDonald Family Room® at Children’s National Medical Center has been an oasis of calm. Our partners here provide excellent materials for all parents online. Learn more about Prevention & Wellness, Health Issues, or Q&A. Here are also some top-of-mind topics this fall and other recent posts:
- Answers to your FAQs about the flu vaccine
- How to pack your kids a healthy and tasty school lunch
- When your child’s friend has cancer
- The negative effects of electronic devices at bedtime
- 10 questions to ask your child’s coach about head safety
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag us to tell us about what else you would like to learn about during National Health Education Week. Use #NHEW to join the national conversation too!